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In computer vision, any defined contiguous area of an image. A region may be delimited by boundaries, common characteristics, or as user defined.

region consolidation:
Deprecated synonym for region growing.

region growing:
An image segmentation technique in which sets of pixels are successively included in a particular region based on similar properties. Synonymous with blob growing.

region of interest (ROI):
A region that the user wishes to analyze.

A part of high-speed internal storage within a processing unit, having a specified small storage capacity and usually intended for a specific purpose.

register length:
The storage capacity of a register.

register window:
A mechanism for switching between one set of registers and another set.

(1) The degree of accuracy in the positioning of an image in relation to a second image based on some geometrical shift, such as rotation, translation, or magnification. (2) The assignment of a name to an information object in a way that makes the assignment available to interested parties.

registration authority:
An organization performing registration for information objects.

registration procedure:
The specified procedure for performing registration or amending or deleting existing registrations.

regularized Boolean set operation:
A three-dimensional equivalent of a two-dimensional Boolean operation employed to create a solid model of an object. Contrast with cell decomposition. (Figure 14 - Constructive solid geometry).

regular network:
A network in which each node within the various classes is connected to the same number of branches for that class; for examples: ring network, star network, grid network. A class of nodes is characterized by the relative position of the node within the networks, such as end nodes and intermediate nodes in a linear network, or as center, interior ring, or outer ring of a spidernet.

The conversion of data and software to enable it to operate on a significantly different type of host computer.

reinforcement learning:
Learning improved by credit/blame assignment.

A set of entity occurrences, each having values for the same attributes. In a relational database, a relation can be represented by a table with the rows corresponding to the entity occurrences and the columns corresponding to the attributes.

relational algebra:
An algebra for expressing and manipulating relations. Common operations in a relational algebra are projection, selection, join, conjunction, Cartesian product, union, and difference.

relational calculus:
In a relational language, a means of generating new relations or subsets of existing relations by specifying characteristics of the desired tuples or their attributes.

relational database:
A database in which the data are organized according to a relational model.

relational database management system (RDBMS):
A database management system designed using relational algebra as a guiding principle.

relational data model:
A data model whose structure is based on a set of relations. SQL has the capability to manipulate such a model.

relational language:
A database language for accessing, querying, and modifying a relational database; for example, SQL is such a language.

relational structure:
A data structure in which the data are arranged as relations.

relation type:
A specification for a set of entities having identical sets of attributes. A relation type can be characterized by a set of attribute names.

relative address:
An address that identifies a location by means of its displacement from a base address.

relative command:
A display command using relative coordinates. Synonymous with relative instruction.

relative coordinate:
In computer graphics, one of the coordinates identifying the position of an addressable point with respect to another addressable point.

relative entropy:
The ratio Hr of the entropy H to the decision content H0; in mathematical notation:
Hr = H / H0
Example: Let {a,b,c} be a set of three events and let p(a) = 0.5, p(b) = 0.25, and p(c) = 0.25 be the probabilities of their occurrences. The relative entropy of this set is:
Hr = 1.5 Sh / 1.580 Sh = 0.95.

relative error:
The ratio of an absolute error to the true, specified, or theoretically correct value of the quantity that is in error.

relative instruction:
Synonym for relative command.

relative redundancy:
The ratio r of the redundancy R to the decision content H0; in mathematical notation:
r = R / H0
The relative redundancy is also equal to the complement to one of the relative entropy Hr:
r = 1 - Hr.

relative value:
A value for position and orientation relative to the previous position and orientation within the space of a virtual world.

relative vector:
A vector whose end point is specified as a displacement from some arbitrary reference point.

In an open system, a set of functions, such as routing, enabling data received from one open system to be forwarded to another open system.

A measure of the ability of a functional unit to perform a required function under given conditions for a given time interval.

reliable transfer service element (RTSE):
An application service element that guarantees the integrity of protocol data units exchanged between pairs of application entities involved in a given association, and provides for recovery from communication and end open system failures with a minimum number of retransmissions.

Pertaining to all or part of an object program that can be loaded into any part of main storage. The starting address is established by the loader, which then adjusts the addresses to reflect the storage locations into which program parts have been loaded.

relocatable address:
An address that needs to be adjusted when data to which it refers are relocated or the program containing that address is relocated.

relocatable program:
An object program that is in such a form that it may be relocated.

To move all or part of an object program in an address space and to make the necessary adjustment of addresses so that the corresponding program parts, resulting from this transformation, can be executed in the new location.

relocating assembler:
An assembler the product of which is relocatable.

relocating loader:
A loader that processes relocatable programs or relocatable modules.

relocation dictionary:
The part of an object module or load module that identifies the addresses that must be adjusted when it is relocated.

relocation offset:
The difference between the loaded origin and the assembled origin of a program.

Synonym for comment.

remote access:
Pertaining to communication with a data processing facility through a data link.

remote batch entry (RBE):
Submission of batches of data through an input unit that has access to a computer through a data link.

remote batch processing:
Batch processing in which input/output units have access to a computer through a data link.

remote boot:
Synonym for remote bootstrap.

remote bootstrap:
The execution of a bootstrap using remote resources. Synonymous with remote boot.

remote database access:
An application service that enables a user application to access a remote database.

remote job entry (RJE):
Submission of a job through an input unit that has access to a computer through a data link.

remote maintenance:
Maintenance of a functional unit provided through telecommunications with the assistance of, or under the control of, a maintenance facility at a remote location. Physical access of personnel to the functional unit is not essential. Synonymous with telemaintenance.

remote operations service element (ROSE):
In OSI, an application service element that provides a generalized facility for initiating and controlling operations remotely.

remote procedure call (RPC):
(1) The use of a message-processing facility that allows a distributed application to call services available on various computers in a network without regard to their location. (2) The process of obtaining resources for data processing over a computer network.

remote station:
Data terminal equipment for communicating with a data processing system through a data link.

In hypermedia and multimedia, to convert data into the form to be presented to the user.

The conversion of the geometry, coloring, texturing, lighting, and other characteristics of a scene into a display image.

The interaction between two tasks which is time-coordinated at a certain point in each process of task execution and where one process may wait for the other.

In hypermedia and multimedia, a process performed on a document to prepare it for presentation. The result is also called rendition.

A change of the storage organization of a database with the aim of a better fitting of its actual data structures. This may be done to make use of the storage more efficient or to speed up the access.

In text processing, the pagination necessitated by a change in the contents of a document, typically accomplished by recalculation of the page break points.

In a local area network, a device that amplifies and regenerates signals to extend the range of transmission between data stations or to interconnect two branches. (Figure 6 - Interconnecting networks).

repeating key:
A key that continues to operate as long as it is held down.

repetitive addressing:
A method of implicit addressing in which the operation of an instruction is understood to address the operands of the last instruction executed.

repetitive operation:
The automatic repetition of the solution of a set of equations with fixed combinations of initial conditions and other parameters. Repetitive operation is often used to permit the display of an apparently steady solution; it is also used to permit manual adjustment or optimization of one or more parameters.

A function or mode that enables a user to substitute text for a specified part of existing text.

A technique in which the input data are captured and can be reintroduced into a program in such a manner as to cause execution of the program under controlled conditions for analysis.

To create a message as an answer to a received message and assign the originator of the received message as the intended recipient.

In electronic mail, an information object that is generated by the message transfer system and that indicates the outcome or progress of a message's or probe's transmittal. A report may indicate delivery or nondelivery of a message or of a probe.

representation medium:
Medium through which data are represented; for example: the sound as encoded in a file; graphics as encoded on a CD-ROM. The perception medium refers to the nature of information as represented in encoded form. (Figure 70 - Examples of representation media).

The denial by one of the entities involved in a communication of having participated in all or part of the communication. In the description of techniques and mechanisms the term "non-repudiation" is often used to mean that none of the entities involved in a communication can deny its participation in the communication.

request primitive:
In OSI, a primitive issued by a sending service user to invoke a procedure. (Figure 51 - Primitive).

required hyphen:
Synonym for hard hyphen.

An essential condition that a system must satisfy.

requirements analysis:
A systematic investigation of user requirements to arrive at a definition of a system.

requirement specification language:
A specification language with special language constructs and, sometimes, verification protocols, used to develop, analyze, and document hardware requirements or software requirements, or both.

In program operations, a repeat of a run from its beginning, usually made desirable or necessary by a false start, by an error, by an interrupt, or by a change.

rerun point:
That location, in a sequence of instructions in a program, at which all information pertinent to a rerun of the program is available.

rerun time:
That part of up time used to reexecute programs interrupted by failures or mistakes.

rescue point:
Synonym for restart point.

reserved word:
A predefined identifier that cannot be redefined by a programmer. Not all programming languages have reserved words.

To put all or part of a data processing device back into a prescribed state.

reset a counter:
To cause a counter to take the state corresponding to a specified initial number.

reset mode:
Synonym for initial condition mode.

Pertaining to programs, parts thereof, or data while they remain in main storage.

resident control program:
Synonym for nucleus.

resident program:
A program that remains in a particular area of a storage device.

residual data:
Data left in a data medium after deletion of a file or a portion of a file. Residual data remain recoverable until sanitizing of the data medium has taken place. Synonymous with residue.

Synonym for residual data.

In computer graphics, to change coordinates or dimensions of an image on a display surface.

The smallest distance between indications of a measure of some attribute that can be meaningfully distinguished. The attribute may be amplitude, color, distance, etc.

resolution cell:
The smallest, most elementary area in an image considered to be significant by an investigator. The resolution cell or formations of resolution cells can sometimes constitute the basic unit for pattern recognition or image format data.

(1) In analog computing, a functional unit whose input analog variables are the polar coordinates of a point and whose output analog variables are the Cartesian coordinates of the same point, or vice-versa. A resolver can be qualified as PR (Polar to Rectangular/Cartesian) or RP (Rectangular/Cartesian to Polar). (2) In networking, a program that interfaces user programs to domain name servers. The user program may be, for example, an FTP client.

resolving power:
A measure of the ability of a vision system to acquire images of closely spaced objects.

Any element of a data processing system needed to perform required operations; for example: storage devices, input/output units, one or more processing units, data files, and programs. Synonymous with computer resource.

resource allocation:
The assignment of the facilities of a data processing system for the accomplishment of jobs; for example: the assignment of main memory, input/output units, files.

resource-based access control:
In computer security, access control based on the subject's presentation of evidence of authorization, such as an object-related password, with a request for access to an object. Contrast with identity-based access control.

In a forum or on a bulletin board, a message to the author of a posting.

response primitive:
In OSI, a primitive issued by an accepting service user to indicate that it has completed a procedure previously invoked by an indication primitive at the same service access point. (Figure 51 - Primitive).

response time:
The elapsed time between the end of a request to a data processing system and the beginning of the response; for example, the length of time between an indication of the end of an inquiry and the display of the first character of the response at a user terminal.

response time window:
In a token-bus network, a controlled interval of time, equal to one slot time, during which a data station, having transmitted a medium access control frame, pauses and listens for a response. Synonymous with response window.

response window:
Synonym for response time window.

(1) In databases, the start of a database management system after a recovery from an error. (2) To resume the execution of a program using the data recorded at a checkpoint.

restart point:
A point in a program at which its execution can be continued or resumed after having been interrupted at a breakpoint or a checkpoint. Synonymous with rescue point.

The change of the logical structure of a database.

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