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NCITS Announces the Approval of a Revised Project Proposal, Reduced Block Commands

NCITS (National Committee for Information Technology Standards)


Doc. No.: PR/98-022
Reply to: Deborah J. Donovan at

NCITS Announces the Approval of a Revised Project Proposal for,
1240-D, Reduced Block Commands (RBC)

Washington D.C., April 1998 - NCITS (National Committee for Information Technology Standards) announces approval of this new project being developed within Technical Committee, T10, , I/O Interface - Lower Level. The reference number for this revised project is 1240-D.

This standard will define for hard disk drive and removable disk drive devices:

- the commands to be utilized;
- the device operation;
- the subset of the SBP-2 protocol to be utilized;
- the security requirements on 1394;
- the configuration ROM and CSR requirements on 1394

Inquiries regarding this project [project 1240-D] or other SCSI projects should be sent to the Chairman of T10, Mr. John Lohmeyer, Symbios Logic, 4420 Arrowswest Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80907-3444. Email:

The next meeting of T10 is May 4-8, 1998, Colorado Springs, CO. All organizations and individuals who are materially or directly affected are invited to participate.

An initial call for possible patents and other pertinent issues (copyrights, trademarks) is now being issued. Please submit information on these issues to the NCITS Secretariat at 1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200, Washington DC 20005. Email: FAX: (202) 638-4922.